Thursday, March 5, 2020

Chemistry Through The Second Law Of Thermodynamics

Chemistry Through The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsSome people may not understand that the second law of thermodynamics is such a prominent law in the context of chemistry. However, it is an integral part of all physical systems and any system which depends on itself cannot survive. This means that if something else, which is not dependent on the system fails to exist then the entire system will no longer be able to exist.One such aspect of the law is that it can be applied to a broad range of things including your computer's operating system, an electron in a very minuscule fraction of a second, an atom in a mere fraction of a second, a rock in a smaller fraction of a second, a molecule in a very minuscule fraction of a second, and even a drop of water in a very minuscule fraction of a second. The first of these aspects, the one dealing with computer operating systems, was used as a metaphor for the human brain because it was widely known that it requires a lot of computation in orde r to operate at peak performance. The second aspect deals with the fact that we do not need to know everything about the first aspect because there is a minimum amount of computation involved.The third aspect deals with the law of entropy, which is a very important aspect of this law, and it is directly related to the second law. The more bits that are stored in a computer, the more random the outcomes will be, and this law is used to tell us that this will be so in every physical system.Another aspect of the law of thermodynamics relates to how molecules relate to each other. Molecules in a liquid will tend to mix with each other until a certain temperature is reached. This temperature will then be the one required for a change in the dynamics of the molecules, which would indicate that when one molecule changes in a certain way, the rest of the molecules will also change their reactions.The fourth aspect of the law of thermodynamics deals with the dissipation of energy. If a subst ance is heated by a fire, there will be a change in the thermal energy as well as the heat. When we look at the way that this change is manifested in chemistry, we see that the rate at which this change is expressed is directly related to the concentration of energy within the substance.The fifth aspect of the law of thermodynamics deals with entropy. In the case of a human being, the entropy in his body will increase at a rate proportional to the degree of activity or 'life' in his body.As we learn more about chemistry, we learn that each aspect of the second law of thermodynamics is really a characteristic of the chemical reaction. Whenever there is a chemical reaction, we see a spike in the occurrence of different chemical reactions which will eventually lead to the chemical imbalance. This can be described by the expression, 'chemo-chemical imbalance' since every time we see the expression, it indicates that one chemical reaction leads to another chemical reaction leading to a f urther chemical imbalance.

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